Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Post 7: Looking Forward to the Back (... Or Something Like That).

Well, with previsualization out of the way, let's look back at it all.  The script is finished and we are securing our talent and location.  But let's focus on the materials we have in front of us (well… err… in front of the five of us). 
            I helped our director out with creating the storyboard.  The shots consist of the standard master shot sequence.  Our establishing shot begins through the POV of a VHS-quality security camera.  The shot depicts the victim, bound to a chair, in the middle of the dim-lit room.  Our femme fatale of an interrogator slowly comes from behind her victim, dragging a sledgehammer.  From here, our characters deliver the dialogue provided to our group by our instructor in a dark, macabre sense.  Our final shot ends through the POV of the security camera, just like in the beginning.
            Lighting is going to play a heavy role in the project.  We've agreed to add the chiaroscuro effect seen in the films of German Expressionism, so we need a battle between pitch-black shadows and contrasting light.  For this, we are estimating to use only the key light on the set.  In that way, we will have more shadows to play around with while shooting.

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